WDO Identification Articles Archives

Understanding the NPMA-33 Form

Secure Your Loan with Our Expert Termite Inspections The (National Pest Management Association) NPMA-33 Form, officially called the Wood Destroying Insect (WDI) Inspection Report, is often required by lenders for VA, HUD, and FHA loans. In California, inspectors typically use the state-specific form mandated by the Structural Pest Control Board, but lenders may request both […]

Why are termites eating the wood on my house?

Termites have a history of over 130 million years on our planet and are commonly known as the “Silent Destroyers”. They are one of the most fascinating species of wood-destroying organisms and one that has been given a very important job: decomposing dead cellulose also explained as breaking down dead wood. However, it is very […]

Carpenter Ants in California

Although ants do not generally damage wood structures, there is one type of ant that likes to excavate the wood and create a dwelling out of this. Carpenter ants do not eat the wood, they only carve it using their strong jaws. Their galleries usually look like they have been sanded finely and most commonly […]

Termites: What Every Property Owner Should Be Looking For

Termite and pest inspections is one of the most important tasks that should be in your normal maintenance calendar. But every how often should you have one completed or when should you be looking out for termites? Well at least every 18 – 24 months by a professional, but that does not mean that you should do […]

Termite Armageddon: The Battle Between Humans and Conehead Termites

Conehead termites (Nasutitermes Corniger) or as previously called “tree termites” are a Caribbean native species that is starting to invade North America, primarily in Broward County, Florida. It is believed that they arrived in the United States inside a shipping container or pallet which traveled through the termite’s native range. They are a very destructive […]

Termite Swarmers in San Diego County

In San Diego county there is a constant battle between humans protecting their properties and termites trying to do their job as intended by nature. This is because the majority of the houses and structures, which are regularly made out of softwood, like Douglas fir are a perfect target for them. The job that the […]

WDO Identification: Wood-Boring Beetles

Although wood-boring beetles are not one of the most common wood destroying organisms in Southern California they are found in wood members of houses and structures as well as in furniture both old and new. During the process of your WDO/Termite Inspection your GC Inspector will look for any signs of activity and/or infestations from this […]

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