Differentiating Ants vs Termites

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Termite Biology

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With termite season currently going on, there are multiple home owners that encounter a problem but are not sure if they are ants or termites. Both species live in large colonies and as the weather warms up their winged reproductive males and females go out and create new colonies, which unfortunately sometimes are created in your structure inflicting damage to it. It is important to get informed as this can save you up to thousands of dollars in remediation services. The first and most important step to figure out exactly which type of pest you have is to obtain a couple of specimens, preferably winged. You will also need a magnifying glass and a well lit area where to study the specimens.

The most important feature to look for in differentiating between winged ants and winged termites is the shape of their body, Termites will have a straight body while ants will have it pinched. Another very important factor is the antenas, ants will have them bent or elbowed while termites will have them straight. As a third factor you can take a look at the size of the wings as termites will have them all the same size, where ants will have them unequally in size. There are as well other factors that can facilitate the identification of the pest, for example un-winged termites tend to like to remain hidden, while ants will not mind being seen.

Refer to the image below for a visual explanation:

If you are still having problems figuring out which pest you have on your property do not doubt to give us a call. A professional licensed inspector will have both the experience and the knowledge and can save you a great amount of headaches. Schedule your appointment today by calling us at (619) 421 – 2101 or using our online system by Clicking Here

Gilberto A. Cortez
California Licensed Operator and Contractor

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