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Why is it important for a property to be protected by a pest control service plan?

This is a question that like you, many homeowners ask themselves. Unless there is a pest problem already occurring many do not see the great benefits that this bring to them and their family in the beginning, many believe doing it themselves it’s a better solution than to hire a pest control professional. But remember […]

FAQ: Africanized Honey Bee

What is the history of the Africanized Bee? The Africanized Honey Bee also known as “killer bee” is the result of a failed experiment. In the 1950’s a group of scientists in Brazil tried to increase bee honey production, crossing European Bees and African Bees. The result was a more productive but more aggressive breed […]

Quick Guide: Rat and Mouse Control

In the United Stated there are three main types of rodents that live in residential and commercial areas. These are the Norway rat, the Roof rat and the House mouse. Also known as Commensal Rodents, for being able to live in a symbiotic relationship where the rodents benefit while the humans are not affected by […]

Ants in the house? Here are the most common areas where to find them

Ants are one of the most advanced pests that we will run across in our everyday lives. Nature has given them millions of years to evolve and adapt to the always changing environment. This is why scientist studies them to apply their advance techniques in our technology.  For that very same reason we have to […]

Ants: An organic solution or a post-termite problem

For thousands of years now ants and termites have been at war with each other. Ants are natural predators of termites, and because of this they are naturally attracted to them. Their fight gets to the point that if they do not kill each other, they will slave all of the workers. They will as […]