There is a great variety of pesticides that are available to control the different pest problems that might exist. When it comes to pesticides they are mainly divided into two main types which are repellent and non-repellent chemicals. There are both benefits and disadvantages to both categories, and they will both work great if used […]
This is a question that like you, many homeowners ask themselves. Unless there is a pest problem already occurring many do not see the great benefits that this bring to them and their family in the beginning, many believe doing it themselves it’s a better solution than to hire a pest control professional. But remember […]
Termite and pest inspections is one of the most important tasks that should be in your normal maintenance calendar. But every how often should you have one completed or when should you be looking out for termites? Well at least every 18 – 24 months by a professional, but that does not mean that you should do […]
Conehead termites (Nasutitermes Corniger) or as previously called “tree termites” are a Caribbean native species that is starting to invade North America, primarily in Broward County, Florida. It is believed that they arrived in the United States inside a shipping container or pallet which traveled through the termite’s native range. They are a very destructive […]
What is the history of the Africanized Bee? The Africanized Honey Bee also known as “killer bee” is the result of a failed experiment. In the 1950’s a group of scientists in Brazil tried to increase bee honey production, crossing European Bees and African Bees. The result was a more productive but more aggressive breed […]
In the United Stated there are three main types of rodents that live in residential and commercial areas. These are the Norway rat, the Roof rat and the House mouse. Also known as Commensal Rodents, for being able to live in a symbiotic relationship where the rodents benefit while the humans are not affected by […]
Ants are one of the most advanced pests that we will run across in our everyday lives. Nature has given them millions of years to evolve and adapt to the always changing environment. This is why scientist studies them to apply their advance techniques in our technology. For that very same reason we have to […]
Structural fumigation is a very effective way of controlling Drywood Termites. However, due to its toxic nature there are a number of precautions that need to be taken. Today we will guide you through the information that you need to know before your fumigation begins. 1. Remove Food / Medicine a. All food items that […]
Many of our customers are full of questions when it comes time to perform structural fumigation on their home or property. We understand that they are worried, as the whole place will be filled with gas shortly. However, we are here to let you know that it is 100% safe and that it is a […]
There are three main types of termites that attack structures and residencies in southern California. These would be Subterranean, Dampwood and Drywood Termites. Unfortunately, if you own a property around here, then you probably already know this and the costs that they can incur. The best defense against all types of termites is being proactive. […]